Could Penelope wear yellow? Green? Chartreuse?’ Buy Bridgerton Simon Basset The Duke Of Hastings Premium T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on. In the case of the Featheringtons, it was about picking their colours, and seeing how much they could wear. Centered on the courtship of the blossoming young debutante Daphne Bridgerton (Phoebe Dynevor) and the charismatic Simon Basset, The Duke of Hastings (Reg-Jean Page), Bridgerton is equally.

We made the decision then, we keep it simple and elegant with her - it’s such a big contrast with the rest of the cast. DOI: 10.4324/9781003015284-32 Ellen Mirojnick, the costume designer of Bridgerton, described the process of finding the character of Duke Simon Basset with. ‘When Daphne walked in the room - from the moment we put her corset on and the first toile of the shape of her dress - it was immediate. ‘They were actually equally fabulous to do, but you really did have to shift your brain when working on both back to back, you’d need to take a breath,’ she laughs.